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Contributing to Lmo

Any contributions to Lmo are appreciated!


Questions, feature requests and bug reports are all welcome as issues.

When reporting a bug, make sure to include the versions of lmo, python, numpy and scipy you are using, and provide a reproducible example of the bug.

Environment setup

Ensure you have poetry installed. It can help to use Lmo’s lowest-supported Python version, so that you don’t accidentally use those bleeding-edge Python features that you shouldn’t, e.g.

poetry env use python3.10

Now you can install the dev dependencies using

poetry install --sync


Lmo uses pre-commit to ensure that the code is formatted and typed correctly when committing the changes.

poetry run pre-commit install

It can also be manually run:

poetry run pre-commit --all-files


Lmo uses pytest and hypothesis as testing framework.

The tests can be run using

poetry run pytest


If your change involves documentation updates, you can conjure up a live preview:

poetry run mkdocs serve

This will make the site available at It automatically reloads when changes are made to the source code or the documentation.

But don’t worry about building the docs, or bumping the version; Lmo’s personal assistant will do that on release.